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Are You On a Media Junk Food Diet?

Are You On a Media Junk Food Diet?

Let’s face it. We construct much of our reality through what we see, hear and read in the media.

And these days the media is filled to overflowing with reality this and reality that. Reality TV shows have become de rigueur on the Box at night in many a household. Together with news bulletins that play more like infomercials than news. Followed by current affairs shows that are so blatantly infomercials, that it’s hard to tell where the program ends and the ads begin.

So when it comes to the media, you have to ask yourself, what is reality?

Or as Pontius Pilate put it all those years ago, what is truth?

It’s this profound and sometimes sinister unreality of the media that we so readily consume, that struck me the other day when I was in a TV recording studio  …

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Berni Responds to Bartlet in the West Wing Theology Challenge

Berni Responds to Bartlet in the West Wing Theology Challenge

Wow there’s been quite  bit of discussion on the blog post about the West Wing Theology Challenge – the theological gauntlet that President Bartlet threw down to the Christian talk show host ‘Dr’ Jenna Jacobs on homosexuality. And you know what makes it all so hard?  It’s this: in one respect at least, Bartlet has a real point.

I don’t mean that his conclusions are right. But his process points out an important truth. So, here (in love) is my take on it all:

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President Bartlet’s Theology Challenge – How Will You Respond?

President Bartlet’s Theology Challenge – How Will You Respond?

This post is about knowing why we believe what we believe. There’s a great scene in “The Midterms” episode of the TV Series The West Wing – where President Bartlet takes a Christian talk show host to task over her position on homosexuality by throwing some challenging Old Testament dilemmas her way.

According to the President, she’s being quite selective in the things she chooses to believe …

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