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Are You On a Media Junk Food Diet?

Are You On a Media Junk Food Diet?

Let’s face it. We construct much of our reality through what we see, hear and read in the media.

And these days the media is filled to overflowing with reality this and reality that. Reality TV shows have become de rigueur on the Box at night in many a household. Together with news bulletins that play more like infomercials than news. Followed by current affairs shows that are so blatantly infomercials, that it’s hard to tell where the program ends and the ads begin.

So when it comes to the media, you have to ask yourself, what is reality?

Or as Pontius Pilate put it all those years ago, what is truth?

It’s this profound and sometimes sinister unreality of the media that we so readily consume, that struck me the other day when I was in a TV recording studio  …

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President Bartlet’s Theology Challenge – How Will You Respond?

President Bartlet’s Theology Challenge – How Will You Respond?

This post is about knowing why we believe what we believe. There’s a great scene in “The Midterms” episode of the TV Series The West Wing – where President Bartlet takes a Christian talk show host to task over her position on homosexuality by throwing some challenging Old Testament dilemmas her way.

According to the President, she’s being quite selective in the things she chooses to believe …

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How to Avoid Foot in Mouth Disease

How to Avoid Foot in Mouth Disease

Have you ever said something that you’ve ended up regretting? Sure you have. Me too.

And once it’s out there, you just can’t take it back. Words … words are such powerful things. A good word costs so little, but yields so much. A bad word takes such little effort, yet can destroy a relationship that’s taken a lifetime to build.

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Steadying the Ship on a Stormy Ocean

Steadying the Ship on a Stormy Ocean

There are few things as frightening as a stormy ocean. I’ve often watched the grey waves whipped up by a storm, crashing on rocks below, from my very safe vantage point on land. I’m definitely a land-lover – solid ground beneath my feet … doesn’t get any better than that.

I suspect that’s pretty natural. We all like security.

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Have you ever been in a place where you just don’t know which way to turn … or what to do? You know,the pressure builds up and you turn this way but the door’s closed and the way is blocked. So you turn the other way and same thing. Can’t go that way either.

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How Would Jesus Use Social Media?

How Would Jesus Use Social Media?

Have you ever wondered that? If Jesus had had a page on Facebook (I Am Who I Am), a Twitter account (@sonofman), a blog (Word of God) and an iPad (with 3G as well as WiFi) how would He have used them?

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From Boring to Brilliant

From Boring to Brilliant

As a communicator, I’m constantly on the lookout for really, really bad forms of communication. It’s kind of a hobby for me – sick I know! And sadly, the church seems to be the source of many of the items in my collection (I’ll share some of those with you another time).

Anyhow, the other day I was completely blown away by a piece of communication that had the potential to be ultra-boring:

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