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Don’t Pray for Power – Pray with Power

How often have you found yourself praying for power – the power to overcome this hurdle or that obstacle or this one particular sin that just won’t go away?!

Dear Lord give me the power to overcome …. whatever it is. One of the more common prayers I would have thought.  God … God I just need the power!  

Can we kill off the Newcomers’ Lunch … pleeeease?

If I hear of one more “newcomer’s lunch” at a church … I think I’m gonna scream. Now that’s going to upset a few pastors!  What’s wrong with a newcomer’s lunch?

Well – in my view, pretty much everything!

The Problem with Church is …

A few years ago, I recorded and aired a series of 10 short radio messages called The Problem with Church is …

And it’s fair to say that still today, this ranks as one of the top 5 series that we have ever put to air here at Christianityworks.

A Visit from the Dark Side

Yesterday was fully the 3rd day of my new blog – A Different Perspective. And what happened yesterday shocked the pants off me. The blog site was “attacked” by a witches’ coven. Imagine my surprise when at a local cafe, I checked the blog site only to discover an advert plastered across the top for “love spells that really work”, together with a link to a witches’ website!

I fairly choked on my latte!!

A Friend is Someone Who Stabs You in the Front!

That’s absolutely one of my favourite sayings: a friend is someone who stabs you in the front. Of course there are plenty of people who’re prepared to stab us in the back … in fact sometimes they seem to be lining up.

Get in the queue, take a number and wait your turn!

From Boring to Brilliant

As a communicator, I’m constantly on the lookout for really, really bad forms of communication. It’s kind of a hobby for me – sick I know! And sadly, the church seems to be the source of many of the items in my collection (I’ll share some of those with you another time).

Anyhow, the other day I was completely blown away by a piece of communication that had the potential to be ultra-boring:

Why does God let a 4 year old die?

I received an email recently from a UK listener who has a friend – not a Christian – whose 4 year old died a few years back. She’s still deeply affected by the tragedy. Jeanette’s problem was this: What do I say to her? She wants to know how God could have let this happen.

Dear Jeanette,

Welcome to Berni’s Blog

So what’s the point of this blog – “A Different Perspective”? Well, as I speak with some of the many people who listen to my radio programs around the world, there’s something … something that’s not quite right.

It’s something that we all know about, but don’t want to talk so much about.  It’s as plain as the nose on our face, but we don’t know what to do about it.  What is it?